The acclaimed Belfast journalist delves into a six-decade career covering pivotal events in Northern Ireland and conflicts worldwide, including Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Rwanda. From the Troubles’ onset in 1968 to reporting on harrowing incidents like Bloody Sunday, Kingsmills Massacre, and the Enniskillen Cenotaph explosion, he examines the impact of religionboth uplifting and divisive. Reflecting on figures like the Wilsons and Reverend Ian Paisley, he acknowledges unsung peacemakers like Reverend Dr. Ray Davey. Critically exploring the misrepresentation of Christianity, he questions journalism’s role and laments the precarious state of truth today, while maintaining faith in humanity’s resilience amid adversity.
ISBN | 9781788126786 |
Format | Paperback |
Dimensions | 14.00 × 21.00 cm |